Artists Guild for State Recognized Tribes

For the past two years, some entities have tried to take away the rights of state recognized tribal artists. They have tried to have them removed from the Indian Arts and Craft Act and they have tried to remove state tribes from the National Congress of American Indians.

Currently there are 63 official state recognized tribes across the United States. After experiencing and fighting against these entities, a group of official state recognized tribal citizens came together and developed SRTAG – State Recognized Tribal Artists Guild, Inc. This organization is a 501c3 non profit that works to maintain and fight for the rights of state recognized tribes and their artists.

Did you know that only federal tribes and state recognized tribes can call their artwork “Native American Made”? Did you know that if you do not belong to either and you call your work Native American Made that you can be fined or imprisoned?

If you are a part of an official state tribe, you are able to call your work “Native American Made”. SRTAG will be working hard to make sure no state tribes lose this right.

Because SRTAG is a nonprofit, they can apply for grants for funding and accept donations. These monies will be used to award grants to the artists guild members. They will also offer online classes and educational programs to assist all artists in the guild.

The guild also offers a space for artists to advertise their business and to showcase their work. You can see examples of artists profiles here:

The guild also wishes to show support to businesses that support our cause.

We are reaching out to artists so as to be a resource for artists and to represent artists from state tribes whether they are a part of the guild or not.

SRTAG would love to have you be a part of our guild. You can apply by clicking below:

As an artist member you will receive:
-Newsletter Access
-Attend Zoom Meetings
-Access to Facebook Private Group
-Name in Art Directory, Website and Annual Booklet
-Access to SRTAG portal for logos, signage to use for your business.
-Grant opportunities from SRTAG and other opportunities.
-Online educational classes.
-A vote in SRTAG Artists decisions

We also offer supporter memberships for businesses with various benefits such as:
-Newsletter Access
-Name on our supporter page w/website link to your business page.
-Name in our newsletter
-Up to a Full page ad in our Annual Booklet.
-Up to a Full page ad in our online directory.

Please take a moment and visit our website. We thank you.